Thursday, April 30, 2015

Studio Reveal: extras

This post is part 9 of 9...
detailing my 2-year studio remodel project in my basement. This project was no small task. My husband did most of the work. I drew up some rough plans, then I started collecting used items from many sources, while he built and installed. I found antique doors and a printers cabinet,  all my cabinetry and more! It was a good thing that I started collecting some of these items before we started building, as we had to move walls just to make some of the special pieces of furniture fit. 

If you want to catch up on the whole project you can read more in these posts here:

The beginning plans sketched out (don't laugh at the timeline here...Putting it together has truly been a process.)
The story of the Printers Cabinet and Armoire (the debate to paint or not to glad I did not paint!!!)
The Floors this post
The extras 
This has been fun! I want to thank you for following along.

And now for the last and final post...

So what does every home office/craft room need... 
A bathroom, of course!
Well, might wonder what this really has to do with my studio...but it is actually a super duper important part of the project.

In all reality...

My diet Pepsi habit made me do it. It's practically a necessity; that I would seriously miss if I had to live without it.

When I have projects going on...I seriously live in my basement. During those times...I often drink diet Pepsi--especially when I pull late nights, or get soggy in the afternoon. So I wanted to be sure that a bathroom as part of my studio wing. Otherwise, I'd be wearing out the stairs, running up and down them to find a bathroom every 30 minutes (okay...slight exaggeration.)

My bathroom also has other surprising crafty benefits. It has a deep soaker tub where I find myself relaxing many nights. And you know what...You'd be amazed at what effect that has on my creative mind. I come up with some of my best ideas, when in that mode of meditation.

We got the vanity used from a home that was completely gutted at the time, as the owners were doing a serious Craftsman/Mission style remodel. I'd love to see their finished project.

The alcove for the toilet is a funny story. The sewer pipe mount that was pre-plumbed in our basement was situated too close to our basement wall. The builders basically screwed up. We bought a shorter depth (toilet to wall) fixture, but it still wouldn't fit. So Jonathan had to get creative. He cut a space in between the studs that allowed the toilet to fit. Then he lined the alcove with breadboard and framed it to make it a "special feature" in the bathroom. People always think it was designed that way on purpose for design reasons. You could say that it was done, accidentally on purpose.

Craft room studio makeover remodel Samantha Walker blog Break Room with booth and tiffany light
The Break Room...

I love bargains, and getting creative with other peoples discards! This is another perfect example of bringing an eclectic mix of used items together in one room.

Most of the items in this room were used items. I got the knotty alder kitchen cabinets from KSL Classifieds. They were only $250 and even came with a granite countertop...but sadly that broke in the process and wasn't quite long enough.

The booth was also a KSL find for a great price. I was hoping to do a 50's style diner down here...but you can't get too picky when working with used items. We were thrilled to find a booth of any kind for our little space.

I found this tiffany-style chandelier (click to see how pretty it is) on, but didn't want to pay $300 for a booth Chandelier. I actually found a very similar one (used) from ebay. It brightens up this otherwise grey corner, and helps tie in the burgundy color of the booth. The color was not my first choice, but it's not bad.

The tile backsplash was a Costco find, and we got the travertine floor tiles as a palette deal from Home Depot.

This little space is where I keep my drinks, and studio-snacks. There is an under-the-counter-fridge--that we also found on KSL. Drinks and snacks are definitely a necessity for creative people. Agree? I'll have lunch here too. In the summer, to save me time, I often feed the kids down here.

The awesome part about this that we were able to make it work into our plan in the first place.

We literally bought the booth, and my fabric armoire (that is on the other side of the wall--labeled "fabric shelving" in the picture below) before designing where our walls would go. And that was a good thing too.

You see...We did not have much space to work with, so we carefully designed the walls around those two pieces of furniture...right down to the last inch. We literally fit the booth on one side of the wall, and my fabric armoire on the other. It was meant to be! There wasn't another inch to spare.
Work has been so much more enjoyable in this totally customized space! 

Do you have a craft nook or room that you are proud of? I love seeing where and how others create, and I know others do too. Please feel free to share links in the comments area below. I'd love to see them!

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