Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Studio Remodel...The Floors

This post is part of a series of 9 posts detailing my 2-year studio remodel project in my basement. This project was no small task. My husband did most of the work. I drew up some rough plans, then I started collecting used items from many sources, while he built and installed. I found antique doors and a printers cabinet,  all my cabinetry and more! It was a good thing that I started collecting some of these items before we started building, as we had to move walls just to make some of the special pieces of furniture fit. 

In this post, I'll tell you about my floors.

If you want to catch up on the whole project you can read more in these posts here:

The beginning plans sketched out (don't laugh at the timeline here...Putting it together has truly been a process.)
The story of the Printers Cabinet and Armoire (the debate to paint or not to paint...so glad I did not paint!!!)
The Floors this post

Remember how I said that this remodel project took blood, sweat and tears...

Well...picking the floors may seem like a simple task...but it took me weeks and weeks to decide what kind of flooring I would put in my studio. Bamboo? Hardwood, Laminate...what would it be. It was almost agonizing. I wanted to pick something that would last, and that I'd love forever.
We searched at Lumber Liquidators (was so disappointed in them...they advertised great prices, but things didn't seem quite right when we were there...too many house brands that I couldn't compare.) 

We tried Costco, they had awesome bamboo flooring. We ended up getting some, and redid the office floors upstairs. But I wasn't sold on it for my studio. My floors needed a little more character.

We shopped the flooring isles at Lowes, and Home Depot...and finally, my husband pointed out a very unusual laminate. It was called Maui Whitewash. 

At first, I couldn't imagine it in my studio as I had a picture of a medium/light wood with rustic finish in my head. It wasn't that I didn't like it...it was probably more due to the sample being so small, and I thought it might look better in a commercial setting. 
We left the store...still undecided. I swear at least 8 weeks passed before I could commit to a flooring.

We eventually came back later...and then, I pictured it. 

I could see how this was the perfect floor for my studio. I couldn't picture another after that...and so, the floor installation began.

And I loved how it turned out!

Isn't it unusual?

I like that it has a rustic crafty feel to it.

It makes me want to go in there and be creative.
I've been in my studio for 9 months or so now...(yes, this is a very delayed blog-post...probably something to do with me building a website this last year...) 
And I still love my floors.

I can't wait to show you what's next...



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