Saturday, July 20, 2013

Happy Camper: Quick & Easy Vinyl Decor with Claudia Harvey


Hi everyone. Claudia here. I am so excited to share my project with you today. I just discovered cutting vinyl on the Silhouette Cameo, and I am hooked.

My husband and I decided it was time to take advantage of all that our state has to offer, and added a new member to our family... a camper! Now anyone who knows me KNOWS that I had never been camping a day in my life, and I am not exactly what you call outdoorsy, so this is huge for me, for us as a family.

I decided our new family member needed a name, and thought it would be fun to put the name on the side of it. We find it hilarious that every time we slow down or apply the brakes, the camper moans and groans, quite loudly. It reminds us of Dory's whale talk from Finding Nemo; so as you might imagine, "her" name is Dory!

I thought it would be fun to add an image to it as well; I found this Retro Caravan image at Samantha's shop on the Silhouette online store.
Isn't it just adorable?
It was so easy to prepare it to cut with vinyl; I've put together a step by step tutorial for you. This is what it looks like when you insert it on to the virtual mat.
I didn't quite have a need for a window with curtains, so I borrowed (copy and paste) the window from this Caravan.
As I mentioned before, I didn't have a need for all the pieces since I really just needed an outline of the caravan, so first thing I did was highlight the "image", right clicked on it, and selected "ungroup", so it would allow me select the individual pieces and delete what I didn't need.
This is what they look like once they are "ungrouped".
Once I had all the pieces I wanted to use on screen, I positioned them where I wanted them, and sized it to my liking.
Oh yes... with a touch of Disney, of course!

Here is it, fresh out of the Silhouette.
As you can see, I turned it so I could enlarge it a bit more.

And, here is it is on our camper!
I love how it looks like the letters are pulling the camper.
What do you think? It really is easy peasy! As I mentioned before, cutting with vinyl is a whole new world for me, but I absolutely love it! Many, many of Samantha's Silhouette files are just right for cutting with vinyl. I can't wait to create more!

Until next time.

Lots of happy hugs,

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1 comment:

  1. Perfect touch to your home away from home!!! Enjoy the ride!


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