Friday, July 19, 2013

Guest Designer Sarah Petrie from Australia

A few weeks ago I heard from an old friend of mine whom I have never met in person, but know quite well through the power of the internet. Her name is Sarah Petrie. It was so fun to hear from her, and she surprised me by sharing pictures of this amazing quilt with me. I was in awe at what she had done with my fabrics from my Serenata Collection for Riley Blake. I asked her if I could share it with you. I was thrilled that she said yes!

How Sarah and I met...
Long ago...about 9 years ago, I met a group of ladies through the Memory Maker's Magazine chat board--Sarah was one of them. It wasn't an official forum like you see today...and this was well before facebook. It was pretty rudimentary. You would type in a sentence, then someone else may type something in and there was only one thread--it was a pretty awkward way to chat; and yet a group of us were starting to form a friendship. We had all entered the Memory Maker's Masters contest and out chats started on that subject. But soon we broke away from the chat board, and started our own group--"the queens of the crop." Beyond scrappy talk, we chatted about life in general, congratulated births of babies, celebrated engagements, cheered on each other triumphs, became listening ears when things were rough, and it all started through our common interest in crafting, but came to be so much more.
 Some of us even went to a camp Memory Makers together. 

Since then, I've met a few more of the ladies from that group in person--which is pretty amazing considering that we were from all over! (we're from New Zealand, Iowa, Virginia, California, Colorado, Washington, and Australia.) Suz Drgon was one of the ladies I met from the group, she's a spunky lady who loves to travel, and I got to meet her on one such trip when she was passing through Washington when I lived there. Well, it turns out that Sarah Petrie is visiting the United States from Australia, and she is going to get the chance to visit Suz, as her travel plans bring her within a mile of Suz's home. 

She made this incredibly lovely quilt for Suz. 
I have to say, Suz is pretty darn lucky to be the recipient of such a gorgeous quilt!!! 
She's lucky she gets to meet Sarah and her family...
can I just say I'm slightly envious? 
I just thought I'd share this story as I know many of you have also made great friendships through crafting and internet communities. It is a pretty small world out there, and it's such a blessing to be a part of such a great community! 

Happy Crafting!


  1. What a lovely story to go with a beautiful quilt. Thanks

  2. What a beautiful quilt!
    I'm sure Suz is thrilled Sarah is visiting her!
    It's interesting the life path we go were just a young mom with a whole bunch of dreams! I think we are all proof that dreams do come true!


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