Thursday, June 07, 2012

Introducing Guest Designer Claudia Harvey!

Hello everyone! My name is Claudia, and I couldn't be more excited to be a guest designer on Samantha's blog; I am so glad I was sitting down when I received the invitation. I have always admired Samantha's paper crafts, and was thrilled to see her digital products at Jessica Spraque.

I love digital scrapbooking, so I couldn't wait to play with the Retro Road Trip papers and embellishments. I just love the colors in this kit.
See the picture frames? I modified one of the 12x12 papers in the kit to create those in PSE. 

I couldn't stop at just one. I love how Samantha's Road Trip papers can be used for more than just that theme. I added embellishments from the Cuckoo 4U Chocolate Melon kit, and created this layout.
 All I had to do was touch up the pinks in the embellies (in PSE) to match the pinks in the Road Trip kit, and there you have it.
Thank you so much Samantha (and Samantha's readers) for allowing me to share my layouts with you.

Lots of happy hugs,

To see more of Claudia's work be sure to check out her blog Lattes, Toys, and Crafts!


  1. Your layouts are amazing! I love all the layering and photo placements!

  2. These are beautiful pages!

  3. These are amazing! Wow! What a treat to have you guest post today!!! Serious awesomeness!

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM MDT

    Claudia...these layouts are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!


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From time to time I make recommendations of products that I love to use, or products that I have designed. Occasionally, manufacturers send me products to play with. They have not obligated me to show them on my blog or review them. I only make positive remarks about those things that I truly love and enjoy to use. Everyone's personal experience with various products may be different, as we all use things in different ways. I am not compensated for these remarks, and merely pass on my opinion to you as a reader. I hope you find my opinions valuable.

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