Friday, July 07, 2006 is a small sneak peak at my Pieces of Christmas line comming out at CHA Summer. The paper will be double you will have to come by the booth to see what's on the other side. There will also be matching ribbon, epoxies, and metal rimmed tags.


  1. Gorgeous stuff!! WoooHOOO! Congrats! Can't wait to see it IRL!

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM MDT

    Your stuff is beautiful. I can totally envision it hanging on the walls of my store! Congrats on a job well done!

  3. I LOVE THESE!!! yay!!!

  4. great stuff! looking forward to seeing it irl - thanks for the preview. (and welcome to blogdom)

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM MDT

    AWESOME!!! YUMMY !! to die for I wanna get it Stuff!!!

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM MST

    Samantha, Hey remember me? Just touching base with you! I'm so happy for you that you have your OWN product! What a success you are. Email me sometime, I'd love to hear about how you started developing/designing the products. Are you doing it all on computer? Photoshop?
    Debbie Coe


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From time to time I make recommendations of products that I love to use, or products that I have designed. Occasionally, manufacturers send me products to play with. They have not obligated me to show them on my blog or review them. I only make positive remarks about those things that I truly love and enjoy to use. Everyone's personal experience with various products may be different, as we all use things in different ways. I am not compensated for these remarks, and merely pass on my opinion to you as a reader. I hope you find my opinions valuable.

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