Saturday, April 18, 2015

RV random stops: Bodega Bay

Yeah...we did that.

I couldn't help the temptation that came over me. (I know you want to do it now too...)

I saw the school...and it only felt natural to run in a chaotic manner, in which we pretended birds were pecking out our eyes. I'm sure the private owners and residents of the old Potter Schoolhouse, get tired of seeing people run down their street, like frightened school children every day. 
Bodega Bay California Potter Schoolhouse
I'm just glad that my kids were game to play--even my 13 year old son (who's eyes only rolled once) and that my husband was gracious enough to snap pictures of us running down the road reenacting the scene from one of our cult following favorites: "The Birds." 
Bodega Bay general store bird friend
I borrowed this bird from this picture to "embellish" the picture at the top. He was sitting in front of the Bodega Bay General store.
If you are unfamiliar with Alfred Hitchcock's classic horror flick...I totally recommend popping some popcorn on some late Friday night, cuddling in a cozy blanket, dimming the lights, and watching this oldie but goodie! The movie is really an odd duck. (Bird pun intended.)
Bodega Bay Catholic church
Bodega Catholic church.  This building was also featured in the movie, "The Birds."
I introduced it to my two oldest kiddos, last year, who thought it was a fantastic movie--and thought I was a "cool mom" for letting them watch it. I was only doing what my Mom did for me as a little girl--instilling an appreciation for the suspense thrillers of master mind, Alfred Hitchcock. It's got oodles of suspense that leave you clinging to your blanket, with a little light horror, and a twisted story that has amazing special effects (for it's time.) It is said that Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, which released in 1963, had more advanced special effects than it's predecessor, Star Wars (1977). I'm not really comparing those two movies--just their special effects. It's not even apples to oranges...perhaps more like apples to kiwi.  I'm just quoting the guy from the Bodega Bay General Store who is a "Birds" movie fanatic, who enthusiastically passes on all kinds of knowledge to patrons of his store. His shop, on the corner of town, boasts the largest collection of Alfred Hitchcock "The Birds" memorabilia and movie ephemera. Now that's a great claim to fame.Bodega bay next to The Tides restaurant
The town of Bodega Bay is a fun stop to add to any northern California road trip. The sleepy town is home to taffy shops, a colorful kite store, a pie shop and a famed hot dog lunch joint...among a few other restaurants that specialize in seafood.
This proves that the area is for the birds!
Bodega Bay Sea Gull
I borrowed this sea gull to also embellish the top photo. He was also native to the area, and sitting on this stump by the bay.
We stopped by the Children's Bell tower in Bodega Bay. It is a touching memorial, dedicated to a child from Bodega Bay; who was victim of a tragic story. While visiting overseas in Italy, his family was stopped by roadside robbers and the child was shot and killed.
His parents donated his organs to 7 Italian children--thereby giving them life. The families of these children, from this Italian village were so grateful, that they sent bells collected from several churches in their area. They were gathered together and sent to Bodega Bay, then assembled in this "children's bell tower" memorial for this lost boy, and as a tribute to organ doners.
Surrounding the bell tower is a public park with walking trails, and a campground just west of it. It's a lovely area to walk around and feel the coastal breeze and enjoy some of the best that nature has to offer.
 My kiddos found some great climbing trees. The refreshing scent of eucalyptus fills the air.
 The trees are mighty, but not mightier than the boy!
Or the girl...
The coastline around the area is spectacular! There are breath-taking views around every bend!

If you are one of those Sunday drive sort of people...put this on your Sunday drive bucket list...this part of California's coast is nothing short of amazing!

If you are visiting the northern coast of California, I highly recommend you add this to your list of stops. You will be so glad you did!

This stop was part of our Spring Break trip 2015.


  1. Enjoyed the read, pics, and info. Thanks!!!

  2. Anonymous1:25 AM MDT

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