Wednesday, April 22, 2015

RV drive by: Napa and Petaluma

Have you ever driven by something on your way somewhere else and wish that you could have stopped? Sometimes we have stopped...other times...


The time just doesn't allow.

We had already been driving 10 hours the day we came into Napa Valley. We were in the home-stretch of our destination...and the kids were tired and cranky. (Sure, it's easy to blame it on the kids...but honestly...Jonathan and I were equally tired.)


These pictures snapped through the bug spattered, front windshield of our RV; tell me that I've got a lot more things to see and do in Napa Valley area. The lush green ungulating hills, that passed by my window, mesmerized me like a sweet lullaby.

I look at this truck coming off of a side street from the highway, with the rack and toolbox in the back...and wonder, what's his story? Does he get to spend his day enjoying these green hills, and lovely vineyards? Has he always lived here?
I saw this "Seed Bank" store on the main drag as you drive through the charming town of Petaluma. All the windows of the store are painted with old-time-y fonts inspired by seed packets. It's a corner store, so there are at least 8 tall windows like the ones pictured--each one different.

If you look closely, you'll notice the reflection of the glass from our RV--perhaps even closer you'll see my longing expression that I want to go inside. Sadly, it was just a drive-by and we didn't get to stop...

I'm left to wonder...that if the store was this cute from the outside...what kinds of beautiful treasures were contained on the inside? 


I just have to say...there's a lot that we left to do in Napa Valley and the Petaluma area. So much so, that I have put the area onto my ultimate RV itinerary bucket list.

It'll have to be a drive...for another day...

Have you been to Napa Valley or Petaluma and the surrounding area?

What should we see (or do) next time we are in town?

I have to admit...

It's going to be a while before we get there...Jonathan is done with driving through Nevada for a while. If Nevada didn't have to separate Utah from California, we'd get there a lot more often.

I know that we missed a lot!

Spring Break RV trip 2015

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