Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's Here! My New Fly Aweigh Fabric line for Riley Blake

It's always fun to finally get to see one of my new fabric lines in print; as tangible, quilt-able, craft-able fabric! 

Creating a fabric line is somewhat like giving birth to a living thing; and so when it arrives, it's a pretty exciting day. What I mean by that is: first it's an idea (conception.) Then it goes through a few phases of development. Designs are drawn, color palettes are created (first trimester.) Designs are tweaked, secondary prints are created, and color ways are arranged (2nd trimester.) Then it goes to the manufacturer for "strike-off" checks. Strike-offs are rough prints of the fabric provided by the manufacturer, that we preview for final color checking (3rd trimester.) I go up to the offices at Riley Blake; then Cindy Cloward, Jina Barney and I discuss how the colors are working compared to what was actually envisioned. Sometimes the strike-offs are very close to the intended colors, and only a few tweaks are requested. Other times...well, let's just say they aren't even near where we wanted to be. We can send fabric back to the manufacturer in Korea for new strike-offs up to 3 times. Getting the color right is so important. Then there is a period of waiting...which seems like an eternity considering the conception date. Finally, the fabric is born, and it feels so good! 

That's why I'm so excited to share my new line called Fly Aweigh for Riley Blake. I love nautical themes...but wanted to put a little twist on the line by introducing airplanes and helicopters. My husband's a pilot, he flies both fixed wing and I couldn't help myself but add in a few whimsical flying things. I hope you can enjoy my new line, because it is you and what you create with it, that really adds personality to my fabric.

You see, after a new fabric line is "born," it goes through a stage of growing up and developing personality. That's when the fabric gets in the hands of quilters, crafters, and seamstresses, like you! They work their "magic" and create a myriad of wonderful things with my fabric. It never ceases to amaze me to see the talent and creativity of the fabric loving community. Someone can take the exact same fabric and create something completely different than the next person. I think that is wonderful! 

If you are a seamstress, you can find my fabric at your local quilt, fabric, craft, or cotton boutique shop. It comes by the yard or as pre-cuts. If your local store doesn't carry Riley Blake fabrics you can always make a request (of course, that's up to them to decided though.) You can also find it at one of the many fabric shops online

I'd love to see what you create with it! Feel free to share your projects with us.
Fly Aweigh Fabric Samantha Walker for Riley Blake


  1. Great tips regrading tangible printing. You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.


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