Monday, January 13, 2014

Silhouette Studio Tutorial: The Beauty of The Right Click!

Have you ever been frustrated in the Silhouette Studio software, trying to find a certain file, category, artist, or you want instructions on a given file without going to the store to find the instructions there. Well...there's a way to bring that information up easily. It's the beauty of the "right click" when you are in your library of the Silhouette Studio software. If you know about the right click already, great! I bet it has become quite helpful for you when using your Silhouette Library. If this is news to will love this feature.

First, launch Silhouette Studio, then access your library by clicking on the symbol in the left side bar that looks like a book. That will bring you to your library.

Next, find the design you want more information on, and right click on it. It will highlight it and bring up a box on the side of it.
 I'll enlarge the area so you can see the box in the picture below.
The box has a few different options in it we will focus on "Show Properties" first, then I'll go over the other options. Click on show properties. It is circled in red in the picture above. 
When you click on that, it magically brings up a box at the bottom of your screen that shows you details about that particular design. This will bring up instructions and sometimes even links to tutorials (this is a new thing...we've been able to add website names in the past, but they weren't hyperlinked. they are hyperlinked now. Yeah!!!) 
Next to the properties, where I have circled in red in the photo above, you see a list of keywords associated with this particular file. These become helpful when looking through your library for certain themes, this is how it knows which files to bring up. for the other things in the Right Click menu...
The first option is delete item. 
This is a good option to know when a file has been updated in the store (sometimes we designers make mistakes and have to update files once in a while.) In order to get the new file, you must first delete it from your Studio Library and then upload the updated version for free. 

The second option is rename item.
You may want to rename an item something other than what it is known by in the Silhouette store. But by doing so, it may be harder to find the file later...just be wise in your naming.
The third item in the list is Sort By. Click on this to bring up a fly out menu of different options for sorting your file. 

The third item is "sort by."
When you click on this, it brings up a flyout menu with the options to sort by name, size, date downloaded, artist, and category. Click on any of these options to sort your library by your criteria of choice. Cool, huh!'s another thing...just learned it today from a friendly lady in a Facebook community that I'm in...You can also look at your library as a list instead of icons. Just click on the icon that looks like three boxes with three lines by them. I put a red arrow by this and circled it. It will show you "view as list" when you hover over it. Notice to the right of it, the box that says "Search." If you put the search criteria you are looking for in there, it will bring up the files that have those key words associated with it. 
 For this tutorial, I typed in my name to bring up my files. The now show up in the list below. You can use other search terms like Christmas, Birthdays, animals...etc. Whatever you are looking for, there's a good chance there is a keyword that will bring it up.
That's all I have for you today. I hope this tutorial was helpful!


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