Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Silhouette Tutorial: How to make the Castle Glitter House from my Putz-Style House Series

Yesterday I showed you how to make the little pink glitter house with your cutting machine. Today, I'll show you how to make a castle style glitter house. The technique is about the same, though the shape is different. I hope to offer you a whole village by the end of the week. ;) 

This design will be available as a .studio or SVG file format in the Silhouette Online store

1. Ungroup your file. Select your house piece and put in the live cutting area.
2.  Cut the main castle piece in your desired color, I chose a happy yellow.
3. Cut the windows, roof, and chimney in another color. I chose white.
4. Cut the base in white.

I used glitter cardstock (it's like a light chipboard) by American Crafts. It is very thick. If you use this medium, use a newish blade, set the depth to 9 or 10 and select double cut. You will need to adjust your machine according to your material.

You can also use a thick non-glitter cardstock and add glitter to your house with glue. If you do this, I recommend putting the glitter on the house before it is assembled.

5. Gather your cut pieces, and glue the window frames around each window, and glue the door onto the front. You can use a hot glue gun, or a paper glue that works with glitter.
6. Glue the bows to the wreaths, then attach the wreaths to the house.
7. Fold the house piece as shown above. 
8. Glue the side wall tab, and close the house sides.
9. Put glue on the bottom tabs, and glue to the side walls to the bottom of the house. You will be able to hold the tabs to the sides through the rectangle on the bottom of the house, or use wonder clips until it is dry.
10. Fold the roof piece with the glitter side up and the tabs folding upward. 
11. Put glue on the back side of the roof tabs, and carefully insert into the house top, move it around until the tabs run parallel just underneath the castle top edge.
12. Hold the tabs of the roof against the inside of the house until glue is set, or use clips.
13. You may also apply extra glitter to the interior of the castle top as I did with my castle below. To do this, just put glue on the back side of the "castle" roof edge, and dip into glitter.
14. Glue the house to the base with a hot glue gun, so that the majority of the base is in front of the house and only 1/2 of an inch remains at the back of the house. 
15. Glue a couple bottle brush trees to the base with hot glue. 

1 comment:

  1. hello! Love the castle! I don't know how to make it. I wish I could!


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