Friday, April 13, 2012

Repurposing Lace Basket On A Layout Tutorial by Pinky

Good morning friends,
Pinky here today to share a fun alteration to the amazing

A few weeks ago I made this basket before Easter.

I used it and now that Easter is over I did not want to throw it away
but I also wanted to save it. So I decided to make this layout using it!

Fun right? Perfect for those Easter or spring photos.

The first step is to carefully trim the front and back of basket
off leaving about a 1" lip. You can make 2 layouts if you save both
fron and back of the basket.

Here you can see the 1" lip. It does not have to be perfect.

After that I cut tiny 1/2" slits on the curved sides.
This enables it to adhere to the layout better.
The using my bone folder I folded the entire lip over leaving
a place for my adhesive to stick to the layout.

Carefully apply adhesive or use hot glue.

Then fill with photos!
Most of my layouts have dimension, I try not to make it
taller then 1.2 inch because it still fits into my page protectors.

Super fun way to repurpose right?!

I hope you enjoyed my creative tutorial today~


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM MDT

    Fabulous idea Cristal. I am always wondering what to do with projects like this after I am finished with I know! Thanks!

  2. Entirely too clever! Love this project idea!

  3. WOW!

    What a cut!!! And your project is BEAUTIFUL! =)

    Thanks for sharing, Jamie!

    Best wishes,
    Tatiana - DT member for Docerela Creations.

  4. What a fabulous idea!

  5. Samantha, your basket was simply beautiful. How amazing your idea is to re-purpose it! Just an Awesome idea! Thank you for your time, you took to share it! I enjoyed it.


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