Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Painting at the Cabin

I love the families I am a part of. Art and creativity ooze from both my husband's side and my side of the family. The best part about that is that while we are all creative...we are all very individual in how we go about creating.  My sister is a sculpter, her husband is a painter. My brother is a writes copy for advertisements (Have you ever seen the Vikings "what's in your wallet" ad campaign?) My brother in law designs over-the-top trade show booths that would blow your mind. My sister in law teaches Art in an elementary school and the kids love her.  My other sister in law is a landscape architect who creates beautiful plans for homeowners and commercial business alike. My Mother in Law is a budding "Grandma Moses" as she has discovered her love of paint only recently. My grandmother painted scenes of China Town and San Francisco in watercolor. My Uncle Ray paints acrylics and is inspired by the bright colors and themes of Mexico.  The ones I haven't mentioned may not be making careers in art, or painting daily, but I assure you, their talent and creativity is there. 
Over Labor Day Weekend, we had the opportunity to get together for a Family Reunion in Bear Lake, Idaho.  This is one of my favorite places to be. It is so peaceful to get away from the computer, the phone and all other things that might tie me down otherwise, and just spend time with my family. I love it! 

One of my brother in laws insisted that we have an "art day" while up at the cabin, where we could sit around and paint for an afternoon. I have to admit...I was a little nervous about this idea.  Even to the point that I thought I might hang out around the kids craft table and help out there instead of getting brushes out and making a mess on a canvas. The kids craft table was a happening place as they were customizing their own wooden boats to float in the ditch in front of the cabin. 
It has been so long since I've picked up a paint brush and made an actual painting. Did I just say that out loud? I enjoy to create alone. I am intimidated by spectators--I feel some sort of pressure for perfection. The funny thing is, is that is such a selfish way to think. I suppose all artists have their own inner insecurities. Soon I realized, that this was not what this activity was about. This afternoon was about having fun...pushing aside any insecurities, and "just enjoying the feeling of pushing paint around with a brush." At least that is what my Mother in Law kept on insisting. I started to believe her, so I finally gave in and joined my family. I'm so glad I did.  It was so good for my inner artist to do something not computer related...and to get back in touch with my traditional creative roots. It took a little time, but I  truly did push away thoughts of having to make something perfect. It was super fun and relaxing to just push paint around with no pressure. 
Here's our little family "art colony." Okay...maybe not such a little art colony...our family was a total of 34 people up at the cabin.

Here is my brother in law Dan...painting an ocean scene from a favorite photograph.  His pseudo name he uses for his art is "Otis Ash" you can find his creative page on Facebook here. He's only recently discovered his love of painting and design in the last couple of years.  He has some original artwork displayed in a few restaurants in the Idaho town where he lives. I think he's onto something...he's always trying something new and different.
 Ocean scene by Otis Ash.
This grove of trees painting is by Jeremy Walker. This miniature painting was created by my brother in law who is the fab industrial designer.  Did I tell you about the dungeon playhouse he created in his Mother in Laws basement...equipped with an animatronic Dragon a la Disney style?  Beyond cool, I tell you!
This flower painting is was what I did that weekend...I tell you...I took this several directions before I came to this point.  I tried doing this stiff and clean lined like my work I create on my computer...but I could not deny my inner love of texture when it comes to oil I just let loose, gave up my brushes and went with a painting knife.  Funny, once I lost the brushes...and picked up a knife, it was like I had found an old lost friend.  I ought to paint more.  I enjoyed myself so much.
This is the gorgeous barn that is on my sister in law's property at Bear Lake.
 Close up of the barn. LOVE that iron gate on the side!
The barn painting here is by my sister in law Shalynn Andersen.  She is the elementary school art teacher. I love the texture she made in the grass in front of the barn...and love the yellow sky.  The duck painting is another Otis Ash. 
The tree painting is done my my Mother in Law Rita Walker.  I love the raw texture and moodiness of this little painting.
This photo makes me it is the perfect story of our weekend up at Bear Lake.  You can see the corner of a beach towel hanging up to dry on the fence (from our beach trip the day before), just above the paintings below, which are also hanging around to dry. The one on the left is an Otis Ash, the one on the right is a Laura Andersen.  She is my niece who is in college...she said that her painting was a representation of her feelings.
On the left is my brother in law Jeremy Walker's painting in better light, and on the right is his 9 year old daughter Katie's painting. I thought her under the sea painting was so delightful.

As you can see...not a one of us paints like the other.  We are all very individualistic in the way we create.  We all had access to the same tools but the outcome was completely different.  This is much how it is in the crafting world. You have access to the same tools and papers, fabrics and stamps, and yet what you create is so individually you!


  1. Okay the art day ROCKED. I love to paint and I am tickled to see all the canvases you guys completed. Such a talented family! And I soooo love the colors of your new line

  2. Wow-so much talent in your family!! Beautiful work by everyone!

  3. WOW! I SO wish my family was into that sort of thing! That would be SO FUN!!! The art is all fantastic!!!!

  4. I just love your Pear fabric! The colors are so fun and vibrant! I also liked seeing all the different art your family did! Great idea!

  5. What great memories and keepsakes you guys created, especially for the kids. It was a lot of fun seeing everyones painting style too.

  6. Thanks for sharing. I looked like so much fun. It is interesting to see how different each person paints (everyone's looked great).

  7. What a fun family get together!
    And what a beautiful release! Perfect for fall!

  8. WOW, Samantha, what a talented, creative family you have!!!! What an amazing array of paintings! I LOVE your painting, the colors are beautiful and the flowers are gorgeous and yes, I love the texture of it! Beautiful giveaway, too. Someone sure will be lucky!

  9. Wow! What an awesome activity for a family reunion! I love the diversity of styles! Your painting is lovely Samantha! I also really love the fabric you designed! You always amaze me! Miss seeing you at critique, by the way. Of, course, with all the costumes I'm making this month and next who know if I'll make it myself for the next couple of groups. Anyway, you're the coolest! Keep it up!

  10. what a wonderful weekend! looks like everyone had fun!

  11. Beautiful paintings! Such a talented family you have!

  12. Those are such beautiful paintings. I loved the scenery too. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  13. I haven't painted in like forever! This makes me want to paint! Thanks for sharing and thank you for the chance at your giveaway:)

    ~Vanessa W

  14. I love how paint takes on the personalities of the person wielding it. I love the idea of a paint day!

  15. What a wonderful art day! How fun to be able to share that talent with the ones you love!

  16. Oh, your family vacay looked so incredibly cool with all the relaxation, outdoor location and plenty of art! Woo hoo! I'm also loving the Pear Decadence - perfect blend of the summer to fall transition. Is this available in a jelly roll by chance?

  17. My goodness, the colors in your Decadence collection are gorgeous!

  18. WOW how fun is this the art is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

  19. Looks like it was great fun!

    Carol B

  20. I'm stopping by from Jamie's blog, she announced that she's a new member of your creative that gal! I have to say, your family is absolutely amazing - all that talent in one group. Wowser!

  21. Love the paintings! I have never used oils, I'd love to try it some day.

  22. Wow! What a talented family family! Love your Crisp Pear Range!

  23. I really love your floral painting. It's beautiful !


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