Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Oh Hail! It's another rainy day

Fall has come in a big way! School is in full swing, and I get to do homework again with my kids...sometimes I think I'm repeating a grade when I help them with the more complicated stuff.  I suppose it is good review. Soccer practice, tumbling, and dance lessons keep me's no wonder I stay up till 1:00am most nights so I can find a little extra time to work.
Today, it's another cloudy day...can't wait to see what that brings, as the storms here in Utah can be pretty impressive. Last week we had one of those flash colossal storms. That's what I like to call them,  because they come quick with lots of light and boom and only last about 20 minutes. I think the clouds moved in right over my front room office to make me get up and take a break. I was seriously in the "zone" when it hit--which can be rare mid-day when my kiddos are running around the house. But the storm insisted that I break away and enjoy it's grandiousness. I think I'm making up words. "Ness" fits nicely on a lot of words to make them describe something...even if the dictionary doesn't recognize it.
My older son insists on leaving his scooter vicariously placed right in the MIDDLE of our walkway setting a perfect booby-trap for unsuspecting solicitors. We get door-knockers a lot being the corner house and all.
My 3 year old son and I sat on the porch and watched it all come down.  There is just something about Fall...before the chill of winter that makes watching storms such a cozy activity.
The hail kept going and going! My son asked if it was snowing. Then he asked,  "Can I go pway in the snow, Mama?"
"Yup...if you want to get pelted by MARBLES!"  "Oh, I mean, probably not a good idea, Colin."  He doesn't understand sarcasm yet.  Clear speech is much more effective with 3 year olds, grabbing his arm as he innocently starts to take a step off the porch.
Within 5 minutes water started flowing down the walk way.
Gutters started overflowing.
Hail flew sideways and made it up the porch to our welcome mat...I told it that it was not welcome didn't listen.
My son's scooter was drowning in water by this point...making it an even better booby trap as it was partially hidden...good idea!  Hmmm....
I thought the first picture was impressive with so much rain pouring through our gutter pipe...but the second picture told me otherwise.  Second picture much more impressive.
I'm starting to rethink telling my son that it wasn't snowing...maybe it's snowing snow balls.  I used to think that's how snow fell to the ground when I was little--in snowballs. I grew up in California and didn't know that it  floated gently down in flakes until I grew up.
I was contemplating borrowing the neighbors boat to do the grocery shopping that afternoon.
All of this lasted a maximum of 20 was an awesome break from a week that was actually much like this storm.  I'll just remind myself to think of how quick a storm can come and go the next time I have a week like the last it is a pretty good comparison.


  1. Painful snow! Thats crazy!

  2. Okay, so call me crazy but I totally miss seeing that! I am a Kansas girl stuck in Michigan and we just don't get hail. My poor children have never experienced it! :) Yes, I agree moving back to Kansas would solve that issue! Thanks for all the photos, I really enjoyed them (and you know, the scooter in the walk way isn't a bad idea!)!

  3. Wow that is MORE then a little rain storm! Hope nothing got damaged :) - Here is to brighter days to come :D

  4. Well, I think I'll stop whining about our rain now. 'Cause I CERTAINLY don't wish to exchange it for hail! That's crazy!

  5. WOW.. keep that near you.. I can't believe you are getting a hail storm so soon. that is just crazy.. My hubby really wants Winter to hurry up and come.. I want the season but not the weather!! keep safe and cozy!Xx

  6. Anonymous8:42 PM MDT

    Wow! That is crazy! If it makes you feel any better, it rained pretty good here today too!

  7. WOW - what crazy weather - hoping for sunny days ahead :) Amazing pics!!!

  8. Crazy weather lately. We had tornadoes here in AZ today! That NEVER happens!

  9. So glad none of you were hurt!
    Your pictures are so awesome and love that you shared something about each photo!
    Hope you won't have any more of these storms!


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